Node Switcher Blender Addon


Blender addon for generating node networks to switch and/or blend between various datatypes.

Currently supports all shader socket types used by Cycles/Eevee with plans to support other render engines in future.


Date Version Summary
Oct 12th, 2021 0.2 ID Key with Auto detect
Sept 8th, 2021 0.1 First Release

Switch Types

ID/RGB Switcher.

Switching based on the colors of an input with auto detection for image input.

Hard Switcher:

Hard value based switching for arbitrary uniform socket types.
Hard Switching

Soft Switcher:

Blended value based switching for arbitrary uniform socket types.
Blended Switching

Weighted average switch:

Create a node network that calculates a weighted overage of the inputs. Not compatible with shader socket types.
Weighted Average Switching


ID Key from Selected

New ID Keyer

Important: High value resolution and low sample intervals rarely improve color detection but will greatly increase node creation time.

Value Resolution The color depth to use for sampling.
Sample Interval The spatial interval to use for sampling. Eg. A sample of 4 means a 1024x1024 image will be processed as 256x256.
ID Limit The maximum number of IDs that will be output. Use a higher value than you need to account for noise, backgrounds, and padding.
Socket Type The socket types to be used for switch inputs.

ID Switch node

ID Switch Node

Result The switched result
Mask 0.. The keying results as individual masks
ID Map ID Map (or other color input) to key.
Tolerance Tolerance of the keying. Increase make the keying colors less strict
Gamma Gamma of each mask. The contrast of each internal masking operation.

New Switcher From Selected

New Switch From Selected

Socket Type Tolerance of the keying. Increase make the keying colors less strict
Switch Type Method of switching. See switching types section for more details.

New Node Groups

Value Lerp Linear interpolation of a value.
Vector Lerp Linear interpolation of a vector.
Switch Node Primary addon function, the different switch nodes,
RGB Key Color keyer node. Create a mask of the ID Map input using the Key color.
ID Switcher Color based switching and mask generation based on the colors of an input.


Tutorial: Create Switcher for ID Map

Select and image node containing the id map to be switched. Open the context menu (default: Right Click) and select "ID Switcher for Selected".

Tutorial: Adding a Switcher For Selected

New Switcher For Selected
After selecting the nodes whose sockets you want to switch. Right click in an empty space and select "New Switcher For Selected Nodes". An operator will pop-up on which you can select the socket type to use for switching and a switching mode. See addon overview full descriptions of node switches.

Tutorial: Adding a New Switcher

New Switcher
The switcher node is available under the add nodes menu. Selection will trigger a pop-up on which you can can select the number of input sockets and the type of switch to create.

Tutorial: Adding Bonus Nodes

All new nodes can be found in the add nodes menu under 'Converter'